Reading and understanding the Bible leads to a deeper understanding of the word of God. It is sometimes challenging to comprehend the Bible. Bible riddles help people of all ages to grasp and understand God’s words in the holy book. With these challenging Bible riddles and answers, you will test and improve your knowledge of the Bible.
A Holy Bible on a stand. Photo:, @Pixabay (modified by author)
Source: UGC
The Bible is the word of God and a book of riddles that needs a keen reader to understand. These riddles are usually intertwined with general topics to contextualise Bible verses.
Challenging Bible riddles and answers
Riddles from the Bible are not always easy, and some can be challenging. From kids to the youth, here are Bible riddles that will challenge your Bible knowledge.
Hard Bible riddles with answers
These difficult bible riddles allow people to showcase their understanding of the Bible. Here are riddles to challenge how well you know your Bible.
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I’m the vessel that sailed without a chart, home to pairs that would disembark as the waters rose so stark. What am I? Noah’s Ark.Held a feast of farewell of wine and bread, my legacy of sipping and dining lives on. What am I? The Last Supper.They hung the ultimate price upon me, bearing the world’s sin none too pleasant. What am I? The Cross.A hill where lessons were taught, teaching mercy and love. The kingdom was received. What am I? The Sermon on the Mount.In this small town, the first wail of a king among kings was heard in a lowly manger tale. Where am I? Bethlehem.A cup of the legends that is pure and holy. Many seek its grace as it forever endures. What am I? The Holy Grail.Once a utopia for the first of humankind, a single choice made us all go blind. Where am I? Garden of Eden.Parted for passage, soon waters returned; Pharaoh’s force, in its depths, adjourned. What am I? The Red Sea.In my leaves, I hold many truths and a guide for the ages. Within me lies the wisdom of sages. What am I? The Bible.I was the gift given to Jesus that symbolised his kingship. What am I? Gold. Carved in stone, not for a caprice, two tablets from the mount offered the law of peace. What am I? The Ten Commandments.Where could you find Solomon’s temple? On the side of his head.I was the feast the disciples were celebrating when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. What am I? The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot).I was the gift given to Jesus that symbolised his priesthood. What am I? Frankincense.I was the garden where Jesus prayed before his arrest. What am I? The Garden of Gethsemane.I was the day Jesus rose from the dead. What am I? The third day (Sunday).I was torn in two when Jesus died on the cross. What am I? The temple curtain. I was placed on Jesus’ head before his crucifixion. What am I? A crown of thorns.I was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to crucifixion. Who am I? Pontius Pilate. I was the gift given to Jesus that symbolised his death. What am I? Myrrh.
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Hilarious Bible jokes and riddles for youA rosary is lying on top of a blue-covered Bible. Photo:, @RDNE Stock project (modified by author)
Source: UGC
Reading the word of God doesn’t have to be boring and uptight. You can incorporate Bible trivia questions and riddles to make it fun. Here is a list of funny riddles for those with a good sense of humour.
Refusing to preach caused me quite a plight. I spent three nights in a fish’s belly. What am I? Jonah.Who was the most intelligent man in the Bible? Solomon.We were the animals present at Jesus’ birth in the stable. What are we? Likely oxen and donkeys (though not explicitly mentioned in the Bible).Do you know how Moses makes his coffee? Hebrews it.Rested, I did until I was called back to life, a friend to the man who overcame strife. Who am I? Lazarus.Why didn’t they play cards on the Ark? Because Noah was standing on the deck.I parted the sea and brought the commands; leading people through deserts is my calling. What am I? Moses.I was a vast and mighty warrior feared by many, but a tiny rock killed me. Who am I? Goliath.Who was the first drug addict in the Bible? Nebuchadnezzar.Happy and blessed, says the mount-side spiel; these are the people the kingdom will feel. What am I? The Beatitudes.What do they call pastors in Germany? German Shepherds.I was the prophetess who recognised baby Jesus in the temple. Who am I? Anna.It’s not a person nor an animal but He’s got a face. Who is he? God.I am a creature without legs and a tongue that has a fork. You might hear parseltongue if you found one that could talk. What am I? A snake.On his arc, how many of each animal did Moses bring? None. Because Moses did not have an arc, Noah did.I can look like a T, I can look like an X. I can be found on chains, hung around people’s necks. What am I? A cross.Which biblical character grew up without parents? Joshua, son of Nun (Joshua 1:1).You might see me in the sky, by a waterfall it’s lower. Some say that I was first seen after a flood by Noah. What am I? A rainbowWhat is the best possible way to study the Bible? You Luke into it.It kept him steady and others away. It kept them safe and showed the way. Once thrown down upon the ground, it came alive with a hissing sound. It hit the rock as it was told. And that was when the water flowed What is it? Moses’ staff.
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Bible riddles for kidsA little boy is reading an old Bible in bed. Photo:, @nappy (modified by author)
Source: UGC
Teaching kids the Bible can be tricky, as they lose concentration quickly. However, introducing Bible riddles in Sunday school can keep them engaged and entertained. Below are simple riddles for kids to use to learn scriptures from the Bible.
Who is the most successful doctor according to the Bible? Job.It can be carried but not touched. It has two on the outside and ten on the inside. Everyone wants to catch a sight of this but it’s kept out of sight. It was lost and found; then found but now it’s lost. What is it? Ark of the Covenant.I climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus and invited him to come to my house, even though other people sneered at me. Who am I? Zacchaeus.I burnt in the desert when Moses was tending a flock. I talked to him, and he couldn’t believe I could talk. What am I? The burning bush.It was high in the sky but also firmly on the Earth. It brought cooperation for many but confusion for all. It was unmissable by the crowd yet overlooked by the One. It was the world’s first true skyscraper and also its last. What is it? The Tower of Babel.He was the king who was encouraged by the queen when he was greatly troubled by writing on the wall. Who is he? Belshazzar.First was the fruit, then the trespass to earn; paradise lost, humanity stern. What am I? Garden of Eden.What did Adam say a day before Christmas? It’s Christmas Eve!Tall and mighty, with armour bright, I fell to a stone in a shepherd’s fight. What am I? Goliath.A bread was broken, a cup was shared, before betrayal, He was there. What am I? The Last Supper.Did Eve ever have a date with Adam? No, just an apple.I may seem like a strange mix but I’m there for all to see. With parents, shepherds and kings, some animals, and a baby. What am I? Nativity scene.I am the book from the Bible from which many people derived the phrase ‘Lamb for slaughter’ from. What book is this? Isaiah.Who was awarded as the fastest runner in the race? Adam, because he was first in the human race.It was a gift to the one but poison to the others. It was a favored sign but also a hated symbol. Some say that It was not short. While others talk of two that were far too long. It was stolen and then torn, and became something to mourn. What is it? Joseph’s coat.I loved God with all my heart and soul. I am a hero of faith that will stand the test of time as one of God’s beloved. After all I went through, my faith and convictions remained unchanged. Who am I? Daniel.It had so many locks that don’t need a key. It was far too many for you to count. It was never to be shortened, for a vow had been said. It was a symbol of strength that flowed from the head. But in a moment of weakness, its secret was out, it lays all in pieces when she gave the shout. What is it? Samson’s long hair.I am something you might read when you’re sitting in a pew. I contain two testaments: one that’s old and one that’s new. What am I? The Bible.This has been divided three times because of what God decided. It became the threshold of many new things and the limit for many things. Once an ark was in its place and God’s son I chose to embrace. What is it? Jordan River.I was known for my diverse skills as both a warrior and a writer of psalms. In my years as a ruler, I united the people of Israel, led them to victory in battle, conquered land, and paved the way for my son, Solomon, to build the Temple. Who am I? David.
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“Who am I” Bible riddlesA Bible on a brown wooden table inside a well-decorated venue. Photo:, @Hebert Santos (modified by author)
Source: UGC
Bible trivia questions and riddles are great brain teasers as they challenge your mind. They also provide fun activities in Church as people try to outdo each other with answers. Below are hard Bible riddles that answer the question who am I?
My story’s told of wild decadence sown; a fatted calf marked my return, not alone. Who am I? The Prodigal Son.We were walking to Emmaus when we encountered the risen Jesus. Who are we? Cleopas and his companion.I was the elderly man who held baby Jesus in the temple and praised God. Who am I? Simeon.Son of Noah’s descendants who spread to the coasts and islands, forming many nations. Who am I? Japheth.We were in the upper room when the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost. Who are we? The disciples and other believers.A tale I tell of a man who’d spare his coins, his care, on the road I share. Who am I? The Good Samaritan.I did depart a whirlwind ride, heaven’s fiery cart, not tasting death. Who am I? Elijah.I am Jacob’s first wife. Who am I? Leah.I was the disciple who outran Peter to the empty tomb. Who am I? John.I was the criminal released instead of Jesus. Who am I? Barabbas.Wisdom mine, like none before, my temple’s splendour — lore galore. Who am I? Solomon.And Samuel asked him, Are these all the sons you have? Jesse replied there was still the youngest, but he was tending the sheep. Who am I? Samuel.Thrice, the rooster, crowed after I silvered my wage, a betrayal not shy. Who am I? Judas Iscariot.Betrayed for silver into Egypt, I fled, my technicolour Dreamcoat, leaving brothers in dread. Who am I? Joseph.I watched something like a sheet filled with animals coming from heaven. Who am I? Peter.I carried Jesus’ cross when he could no longer bear it. Who am I? Simon of Cyrene.I was the Roman emperor who ordered the census that brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. Who am I? Caesar Augustus.I am the name of the mount where Jesus was transfigured. What am I? Mount of Transfiguration (traditionally identified as Mount Tabor).I am the name of the high priest who questioned Jesus during his trial. Who am I? Caiaphas.I am the name of the demon-possessed man Jesus healed in the region of the Gerasenes. Who am I? Legion (or the man from whom Legion was cast out).
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Bible riddles for adults and youthA crucifix on top of an open Bible. Photo:, @Pixabay (modified by author)
Source: UGC
Adults and the youth love having fun, even in church. One way to engage them is to have a Bible riddle challenge during youth service to introduce Bible study, break the ice, or play games in church. Below are riddles for the youth you can use in your next service.
I am a valley where the famous battle between David and Goliath occurred. What city am I in? Valley of Elah.I am the place where Paul and Silas were imprisoned and an earthquake occurred. What am I? Philippi.I killed a giant with one stone and a swing. I was later crowned and became great. Who am I? David.I am the place where Paul was struck blind on his way to persecute Christians. What am I? The road to Damascus.I am the name of the Jewish council that tried Jesus. What am I? The Sanhedrin.I am the name given to the rock from which Moses brought forth water. What am I? Meribah.I am the place where Paul was from. What am I? Tarsus.I am the name of the servant whom Peter cut the ear off. Who am I? Malchus.I am the place where Jacob dreamed of a ladder reaching up to heaven. What am I? Bethel.I am the book in the Old Testament that contains the Ten Commandments. What book am I? Exodus.I didn’t just refuse and frown when tasked with what seemed impossible. I marched the people around Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down. Who am I? Joshua.I was higher from my shoulders and upward than any of the people. Who am I? Saul.I am where Jesus performed his first miracle by turning water into wine, and I am also the hometown of the disciple Nathanael. What place am I? Cana.I look like the letter t and am a symbol of Christianity. What is it? The Cross.I am the woman who betrayed Samson for money. Who am I? Delilah.Why did the unemployed man get excited while looking through his Bible? He thought he saw a job. I am the tribe of Israel from which Jesus descended. What am I? The Tribe of Judah.I am the only woman judge mentioned in the Bible. Who am I? Deborah.I am the mountain where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. What am I? Mount Carmel.I am the place where Paul was imprisoned and wrote several epistles. What am I? Rome.
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Is there a riddle in the Bible?
There are several riddles in the Good Book. For instance, the most famous one comes from Samson: Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet.
Does the Bible speak in riddles?
Yes, it does. The Bible has one known riddle.
What is the only riddle in the Bible?
The only riddle in the Bible is Samson’s riddle, which appears in the Book of Judges. It goes
Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet.
Why does God talk in riddles?
Many believers feel that God passed messages through riddles to make them more memorable.
Check out the list above if you are looking for the best Bible riddles to improve your knowledge of the Good Book. They come in handy for alleges, especially children. recently published a list of New Year spiritual quotes to send to your loved ones. In most cases, the New Year comes with new resolutions. One of the best ways to start a new year is by sending your loved ones New Year spiritual quotes.
New Year wishes spiritual quotes are sure to touch someone’s heart. If you want to spread positive energy and share the season’s joy with your loved ones, this list is for you.