Millennials are often defined as those born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s. This generation has introduced a unique vocabulary of slang that rapidly spreads everyday conversation. These incredible millennial slang words continue to keep your conversations fresh and fun.
Millennial slang adds humour and personality to conversations, making them more engaging. Photo: DALL.E (modified by author)
Source: UGC
Language is always changing, but few groups have influenced modern vocabulary, like millennials. This generation has introduced slang that resonates far beyond their age group. Are you curious about what keeps their slang so timeless? Explore these iconic millennial slang words you can use in your day-to-day conversation.
Incredible millennial slang words
Many millennial slang words are becoming less popular due to the evolving Gen-Z terms. However, some of these terms are absolute jewels that should stick around. If you are looking for popular and unique slang words, here is a list to help you.
Popular millennial slang words
Have you ever paused mid-conversation with a millennial colleague, realizing you don’t fully understand some of what they are saying? Maybe they used a slang term that threw you off. Here is a list of popular slang words to help you communicate more easily with your peers.
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1. Bae
While some people think bae is a shortened version of “babe” or “baby,” it is an acronym for “before anyone else.” It is an affectionate way to refer to your significant other, equivalent to terms of endearment like “sweetheart” or “honey.”
2. Lit
If something is lit, it is entertaining or thrilling. ‘Lit’ essentially indicates that you are excited about something.
3. Low-key
‘Low-key’ refers to something relaxed, understated, or easygoing. It describes a vibe that is more chill and subtle rather than intense or lively.
4. Woke
The term ‘woke,’ derived from an alternative tense of “awake,” is commonly used in the phrase “stay woke” to signify being alert and aware of political, social, or cultural issues.
5. Swol
‘Swol’ describes getting buff or muscular by working out at the gym. You can be “swol” or work to “get swol.”
6. Slay
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‘Slay’ means to excel at something or perform exceptionally well. The term is often used to compliment someone’s stunning outfit, confident attitude, or overall presence.
7. High-Key
‘High-key’ means “definitely” or “without hesitation.” For example, “I saw her in the musical this weekend, and she was incredible. She’s high-key a star.”
8. Shook
Being ‘shook’ means feeling extremely shocked or unsettled by something. This term is often used to describe an emotional reaction to a surprising, jarring, or unexpected event.
9. Aesthetic
‘Aesthetic’ refers to a particular style, vibe, or pleasing visual appearance. People use “aesthetic” to describe anything from fashion choices and home decor to social media profiles or personal branding.
10. Glow Up
A ‘glow-up’ is a remarkable transformation or makeover, often related to personal improvement. While it’s commonly used to describe physical changes, it can also apply to growth in other aspects of life.
11. TBH
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The TBH acronym stands for “to be honest”. Photo: Maryna Terletska (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images
This acronym stands for “to be honest.” It is often used to emphasise when admitting something personal or sharing an honest opinion.
12. Literally
While “literally” originally means “actually” or “in a literal sense,” millennials intentionally misuse it in phrases like “literally dying” or “literally the worst” to convey heightened emotion or exaggeration.
Unique millennial slang words
While some slang words are widely used and pop up in almost every conversation, others are more common, and you won’t hear them as often. Here is a list of some of the more unique millennial slang terms that might just surprise you.
1. Slaps
In modern slang, it is used to describe something impressive or outstanding. Whether it is a song, a meal, new shoes, or anything else, if it “slaps,” it means it’s really good or positively catches your attention.
2. Read
‘Read’ refers to delivering a sharp, often witty insult or calling out someone’s flaws in a direct or sassy way. It is used when someone “reads” another person, highlighting their shortcomings or behaviour, usually with a touch of humour or sass.
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3. Clock
‘To clock’ has nothing to do with time—it means to hit hard, particularly figuratively. When you “clock” someone, you deliver a harsh insult, often directly aimed at them.
‘FOMO,’ short for “fear of missing out,” describes the feeling of anxiety or sadness when someone believes they are missing out on an exciting or enjoyable experience that others are having.
5. Thirst Trap“Thirst trap” is a millennial slang word that refers to showing an intense or desperate desire for someone. Photo: Flavio Coelho (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images
‘Thirst trap’ refers to showing an intense or desperate desire for someone, typically romantically. This describes photos or posts shared to draw attention and spark lustful comments from others.
6. Feels
‘Feels’ is short for “feelings” and refers to strong, often overwhelming emotions. When something “gives you all the feels,” it stirs up a mix of emotions, both positive and negative.
7. Humblebrag
A ‘humblebrag’ is when someone makes a modest or self-deprecating remark that’s intended to draw attention to their accomplishments or positive qualities.
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8. Dead
The traditional meaning of dead refers to something that is no longer alive. However, as slang, it’s used to express that something is so hilarious or impressively good that it leaves you overwhelmed exaggeratedly.
9. Shade
To “throw shade” or “be shady” means to subtly or indirectly disrespect someone, often cleverly or sneakily. It is the art of shade—making a pointed comment without outright stating the insult.
10. Clapback
A ‘clapback’ is a quick, clever, and often witty response to criticism or an insult. It’s designed to shut down negativity in a sassy or smart way.
11. Snatched
If someone’s hair, makeup, or outfit looks especially fabulous, they are described as “snatched.” It can also be used as a verb to describe a strong reaction to something amazing.
12. Gag
The most common traditional definition of ‘gag’ is to choke. In this sense, if something is so impressive or shocking, it leaves you in awe, as in: Look at Harry in that tuxedo jacket. I’m gagging!
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Uncommon millennial slang wordsMillennial slang words add flair to your conversations. Photo: Yulia Naumenko (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images
Slang words are a fantastic way to connect, especially among peers. They add a fun twist to conversations and make communication more relatable within your age group. If you want to spice up your chats with a new slang term, here are a few examples to get you started.
‘Extra’ refers to someone being over-the-top or extravagant, often doing too much or acting in a way that’s considered excessive. It is used to humorously describe someone going beyond what’s necessary or reasonable.
2. Adulting
‘Adulting’ describes taking on responsibilities typically associated with adulthood. This includes paying bills, taking care of personal tasks like car maintenance, or making important decisions that require maturity.
3. Milk
‘Milk’ is a meme-inspired slang that refers to someone who needs help or improvement. It’s often used humorously to describe someone struggling or needing guidance.
4. Cacelled
‘Cancelled’ refers to rejecting or cutting someone or something out of your life, often after a negative or disappointing experience. It indicates that someone or something no longer has your approval.
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5. Humble Brag
A ‘humble brag’ is when someone tries to sound modest or self-deprecating, but the underlying message is meant to show off or seek praise. It is a subtle way of boasting without outright saying it.
6. Salty
‘Salty’ means being upset, bitter, or irritated about something. It often refers to someone who is holding a grudge or feeling resentful. Example: She was salty because she lost the game. You could tell she wasn’t happy about it.
7. Thirsty
This term describes someone who is overly eager for attention, approval, or affection, often coming across as desperate.
8. Glo up
A ‘glo-up’ refers to someone who has undergone a significant transformation, usually becoming more attractive or mature. It is a glow-up in the sense of physical or personal development.
9. Tea
‘Tea’ refers to gossip or juicy information. Spilling the tea means sharing secrets or revealing the truth about something, especially when controversial or dramatic.
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10. Basic
This slang describes something or someone mainstream or overly conventional. It can refer to trends, interests, or people who like widely popular or predictable things.
11. Realness
‘Realness’ is about authenticity, particularly in the context of imitating someone or something to perfection. It is often used in drag culture to describe how accurately someone embodies a character.
12. Yas
To express praise for something or someone, a simple “yas” will do. It is an enthusiastic exclamation to show approval, admiration, or excitement.
Common millennial slang words“G.O.A.T” stands for the greatest of all time. Photo: Tuomas A. Lehtinen (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images
Many common slang words have even been used to describe people’s abilities and how amazing they are. These terms can add flair to your conversations, making them more lively and expressive.
1. G.O.A.T.
‘G.O.A.T’ is an acronym for greatest of all time. The term describes someone who is the best at what they do, especially in sports or entertainment.
2. Gucci
‘Gucci’ is the name of a luxury Italian fashion label, but it is used in hip-hop songs. It means “good” or “fine” and is derived from the luxury fashion brand.
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3. Keep It 100
“Keep It 100” originated in Black culture, and it means to be authentic. Some popular musicians like Gucci Mane and Drake are credited for using it in their music first.
4. Ratchet
This is generally used to describe someone as obnoxious, rude, or trashy, though it’s also interchangeable with “cool” in a different context.
5. Savage
To perform a savage act is to do so unapologetically. This word is used as internet slang when describing a shocking event or a careless attitude.
6. Throw Shade
“Throwing shade” means subtly insulting someone. If someone throws shade at you, they are trash-talking or disrespecting you, but in an understated or unassuming way.
7. Mood
If anything is a mood, it is extremely relatable. This term is commonly used to convey how strongly one feels about someone, something, or an idea.
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8. Vibe
A ‘vibe’ is the mood or energy that something gives off. It can be used in a positive context “Oh my gosh, this café is such a vibe.”
9. Fire
If something is on fire, it is spectacular, remarkable, or on point. This adaptable slang term can describe anything from wonderful cuisine to excellent music.
10. AF“AF” is a millennial slang that shows just how intense or extreme something is. Photo: Colors Hunter – Chasseur de Couleurs (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images
‘AF’ is useful for stressing a point. It is often used to show just how intense or extreme something is. For example, “My slice of pecan pie is delicious AF.”
11. Turnt
Used as a synonym for drunk in hip-hop songs. If you wanted to express enthusiasm over an upcoming work project, you could theoretically say, “Our launch is gonna be turnt.”
12. POV
“POV (Point of View)” slang refers to a type of internet expression used to show a specific perspective or scenario, often in a humorous or relatable way.
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What is the difference between Millennial slang and Gen Z slang?
While millennial slang reflects early internet culture and phrases like “lit” or “adulting,”. Gen Z slang thrives on TikTok trends like “stan,” meaning an obsessive fan, and “simp,” referring to someone who does too much for someone they like.
What slang do millennials use?
Millennials often use slang such as “lit” to describe something exciting or excellent, “squad” to refer to their group of friends, and “adulting” to talk about handling responsibilities typically associated with adulthood.
What is cringey millennial slang?
This is a phrase that might feel outdated or awkward. For millennials, slang words like “bae,” might be considered cringe today.
What is OG millennial slang?
“OG,” or “original gangster,” is a slang term that has existed for some time. It describes someone authentic or the original. OG slang includes words like “cool,” “chill,” or “dude.”
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These are some of the most incredible millennial slang words to add to your list. This generation’s unique slang reflects their experiences, values, and technological immersion. While some terms may fade with time, others will undoubtedly become ingrained in English. recently published an article about Gen Z slang words and their meanings. Gen Z’s language is distinct and shaped by social media platforms and trends.
From phrases like “no cap” to “slay,” these terms have become a significant part of modern communication, influencing how Gen Z interacts both online and offline. Learn more about the most popular Gen Z slang and what they mean in this post.